Bird nesting fiber
Spring is on its way here at GG'S Alpaca Farm. And, the coming of spring means many things, but for Amelia and Lyle Jane, our resident alpacas, it only means one thing–it is time to shear them. Why? It is water resistant while also being able to wick away moisture. Alpaca fleece is warmer than wool and so very breathable without causing all of that scratchiness you have to endure with wool. But, most importantly, it is soft and silky and feels like butter against your skin. While Amelia and Lyle Jane don’t produce the fleece or fiber we use in making our sweaters and socks, we do use it as nesting material for the birds in our area.
This time of year, busy bird couples are out foraging for materials to construct the perfect home for their next little brood. And, Mr. and Mrs. Bird know that alpaca fur is the luxury fiber that will make their new home the envy of every nest in the neighborhood.
TIP: If you want to help birds with their nesting, here are some ideas:
Place nesting materials in an empty suet feeder or other feeder
Or stuff it anywhere on a tree where birds can easily get to it.
- Things to use: (if you don’t have any alpaca fleece handy)
- Dog fur
- Straw
- Grass clippings
- Twigs
- Dry leaves
- Things NOT to use:
- Hair
- Dryer lint
- Yarn
- String